Last March, I published an article reviewing the small business impact of the then-leaked Biden Tax Reform proposal. This week House Democrats released...
Strategy Archives - CFOShare
Top 5 Small Business Inflation Strategies
Every day in the news you can read about inflation fears: supply shortages, price increases, stock prices tumbling… And while big papers talk...
How Biden’s tax reforms affect your small business
Information about tax changes the Biden administration is considering leaked yesterday, creating some big headlines in media. “First major tax hike since 1993”...
Entrepreneurial lessons from $GME and r/Wallstreetbets
Have you been watching r/Wallstreetbets? At CFOshare, my team is excessively entertained by what’s happening with $GME. The $GME short squeeze was unprecedented...
Wall Street Bets, GME, and the risk of a Retail Bro-pocolypse
The circus of wall street seems a far-ways away from most small business concerns – but are you aware of how this stewing...
How to Create a Business Budget
We all know we should build a budget – after all, a budget is one of the four essential forecasting tools and a...
Accrual vs Cash Basis Accounting: What Are the Differences?
Let’s all face it – accounting can be difficult to understand, and it’s sometimes as if accountants speak their own language. What exactly...